Analyst Coverage

The analysts below cover the real estate investment funds (“FII”) of Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores SA (“CSHG”) CSHG is not responsible for the estimates, opinions or forecasts regarding the performance of the FII made by these analysts. The fact that CSHG makes the reference below or distributes this data does not imply endorsement or conformity of opinion with that information, conclusions or recommendations.

Institution Analyst E-mail
Santander Flavio Pires
XP Investimentos Maria Fernanda Violatti
Bradesco BBI Victor Tapia
Itaú BBA Larissa Nappo
Suno Research Prof. Baroni
Desmitificando FII Rodrigo Medeiros

*The content of this page is for information purposes only, it does not consider financial situation or individual and particular needs. CSHG is not responsible for errors of assessment or omissions of third parties. Investors must make their own investment decisions. CSHG does not guarantee that the list of analysts above is complete or updated and the information to be made available here is subject to authorization by the respective analysts.