
Share at market price Price of the share in the secondary market on the respective closing date.
Net asset value per share Financial value of a share based on the net asset value of the fund.
Market value Market value of the share multiplied by the number of all shares in the fund.
Equity value Net asset value per share multiplied by the number of all shares in the fund
Dividend yield Profitability relative to the earnings paid to the shareholders of the fund. Calculated by dividing
the annualized earnings by the market value of the share.
Monthly return Return considering the capital gains and
earnings distributed.
GLA Gross leasable area. Refers to the total area
inside a building that can be allocated to a lease.
Physical vacancy Ratio of the gross leasable area vacant, in
square meters, to the total gross leasable area of the fund.
Financial vacancy Ratio of the potential revenue from the lease
of vacant areas to the total lease revenues of the fund.
Net asset value Net asset value of the fund.
FII Real estate investment fund.
CRI Certificate of real estate receivable.
LCI Real estate credit bill.
IFIX Real estate investment index, whose four-month
composition is calculated and published by B3.
Fixed income Includes the percentage of the net asset value
invested in fixed-income securities and funds.
Corporate towers Ventures in which the fund owns all corporate
floors of each asset.
Individual floors Ventures in which the fund owns only one
individual floor of the asset.
Corporate floors Material stake: Ventures in which the fund
owns the majority of the asset.
Single occupants The fund owns the entire venture, which is
leased to a single tenant.
Other Venture in which the fund owns a stake but is
not classified under any of the above definitions (e.g., more than one corporate floor with
minority stakes).